Equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) monitoring form 2024 - Council Member x 2

Equality, diversity and inclusion data


Thank you for taking the time to complete this monitoring form. The General Optical Council is deeply committed to equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). By providing us with this information you will enable us to identify areas where we are doing well and others where we need to improve in terms of EDI.

Completing this form is mandatory. We very much appreciate you doing so, as this will help us to measure and report on the impact of our processes, practices, and culture on EDI. For each question there is an option to ‘prefer not to say’. If you have any comments or questions about this form, then please contact our EDI Manager at edi@optical.org.

For more information about why we collect EDI data and what we hope to achieve, please see our Approach to EDI monitoring statement. Information provided will be treated in the strictest confidence and in line with the relevant data protection legislation, stored securely on our system and will be only used for monitoring purposes, including publication in our annual monitoring report. No information provided will be published in any way which allows any individuals to be identified.

1. Name *


2. GOC registration number (if applicable)


3.  What is your age? *


4.  What is your sex, as recorded at birth?


5.  What best describes your gender?


6.  Are you intersex and/or have a variation of sex characteristics (VSC)?


7.  Which of the following best describes your sexuality?


8.  What is your legal partnership status?


9.  What best describes your ethnic group? *


10.  What is(are) your main language(s)?


11.  Do you speak any additional languages fluently (including sign languages)?


12.  What is your religion? *


13. Do you consider yourself to have a disability (any physical or mental health conditions or illnesses that reduce your ability to carry out day-to-day activities, which have lasted or are expected to last 12 months or more)? *


14. If you answered yes to Q13, how would you categorise your disability/disabilities? (select as many as apply)


15.  Do you have unpaid caring responsibilities? (Please tick all that apply) *


16.  What was the occupation of your main household earner when you were aged about 14? *


17.  Which type of school did you attend for the most time between the ages of 11 and 16?


18.  If you finished school after 1980, were you eligible for free school meals at any point during your school years?